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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Speed view comes to town

Date: 04/25/2011 04:04 PM
Subject: [walstaff] Speed VIEW!

Hi Everyone,

Starting this week, the AV Department is hosting a Speed VIEW collection of DVDs. Like our Speed Read book collection, these will be non-requestable, non-renewable copies of hot titles. They will be extra copies in addition to the copies we’ll need for filling requests. We will never have ONLY a speed view.

They’ll circulate for 3 days and still be $1.00.

You’ll know them by their bright pink SPEED VIEW labels which are just like the speed read labels. They’ll be shelved like the speed reads, right alongside the requestable copy in the new section. Once the movie isn’t new anymore, it won’t be speed view anymore either.

Hopefully patrons won’t complain about the same price for a shorter time, but consider it a premium price for finding a hot title available. Hopefully the shorter loan period will turn titles over quickly and offer something on the shelves that doesn’t get gobbled up by a request list. Yes, patrons can get 2 for $1 on Thursdays.

These copies are not to be pulled and set aside for patrons to pick up later. The best way to explain them is that they are “first come, first served copies for the patron browsing in person”. We can still set aside non-speed view titles or place requests for other copies. Speed Views will not come up on hold.

I’m sure there will be questions. Please do send them my way!

Thanks to Nancy and Nancy who kept at me about this great idea!

Happy Viewing!


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