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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Concord materials on hold that are library use only

The Concord Public Library sometimes sends us materials for our library patrons that are library use only.

The directions for how to handle these materials are at the Main Circulation desk in the file folder called "Concord Library Use only".


How To Handle


With Yellow Bands:


1. When book arrives, patron must be notified that they will not be able to take it out of our library.

a. Phone notification:

“The book has come from the Concord Public Library under the condition that it not leave our library building.

You will have three weeks to come read the book at our library.

You will be asked to leave an ID when you take the book fro m the circulation desk.”

2. Book goes on hold shelf for the usual 7 days.

3. The first time the patron comes to use the book, check it out to the Waltham Hold Shelf.

Patron will have three weeks from that day to use the book in our library. Hold slip will have expiration date three weeks from first use.

4. Take an ID (preferably a drivers license or other significant photo ID) in exchange for the book. Clip the ID to the hold slip and put it in the money drawer under the bills.

5. When the patron returns the book, be sure to return the ID.

6. When the patron is finished with the book completely, give to Pat O. She will cancel the patron’s hold and return the book to Concord.

We have special slips for these books that are in the Circulation file folders guessed it! Concord library use only

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