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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have a line at the Circulation Desk/who comes first?

Recently, we had a situation at the WPL where a patron had several items that he wanted checked in at the Circulation Desk.  There were others at the desk who had materials to be checked out. 

What does one do when faced with a situation where a patron (perhaps not a cheerful, friendly one) is wanting his or her materials checked in and there are others waiting?

Here at the WPL, the tradition has been to encourage our users to return materials to the bookdrops.  This is an efficient method that allows us to do bulk check ins from the "cart" without slowing up those waiting for in person service.

We are aware that there are some library users who have had instances of missed returns, times when the items they put in the book drop did not get checked in correctly.
So, here is the question.  Do check outs get prioritized over check ins?  Here is the answer:  We serve our users in the order that they arrive at the desk.

This is our rule of thumb. 

And there are exceptions.  Suppose there is a patron with a difficult fine situation.  He or she is explaining that they were in Wisconsin at the Annual Dairy Festival and Aunt Gladys was ill and. they were wearing the red dress with the polka dots (that would be a she)....and.....

In the meantime, three other people are lining up at your desk.

Here are some options:
  • Tell the patron with the overdues that you want to resolve her situation to everyone's satisfaction and, if she doesn't mind, you will just check out the other three patrons who are perhaps only checking out one item each.
  • Call for reinforcements....get another staff member to help.
  • Suggest to the waiting patrons that they may want to go the Rear Circ Desk or the AV desk or even the children's desk if they are simply checking out.

Keep smiling if at all possible and remember that this will all be resolved one way or another!

More thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?

Let me know!

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