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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Inspecting before check in and check out

-----Original Message-----

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2012 08:35:35 -0400
Subject: Some Arlington CD's can't be opened

Last week someone tried to check out a CD that came in on hold for them
from Arlington and we weren't able to get the case open; so we couldn't check

the CD out to the patron.
Tuesday nite Nancy W was mentioning that she had a couple of the same
situations with Arlington CD's.
I think if the case isn't deactivated there is a red dot on the side of the case
indicating it is locked.
I thought we are supposed to be opening items to check for content before
triggering holds or checking anything in?  If everyone does this we shouldn't
be having this problem because the locked case would be noticed before it
triggers the hold for the patron.
It's embarrassing when a patron makes the effort to come in to pick up a hold
and we can't give it to them.  This happened more than once last week.
PS.  I find checkout slips inside other AV items as well,  DVD's and books on CD,
it's possible the slips just aren't being removed but it may be an indication that we
aren't opening items to check for content 

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