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Friday, January 20, 2012

Hi there, Everyone.
  Sort-to-light delivery has been underway for a while now and one thing is for sure: mutli-piece items are checked for completeness and correctness less than before. If an item is opened at check-out some staff have looked very silly on several recent occasions when there’s nothing inside.

Please don’t assume that the contents were checked previously. Always check again. Don’t just note that there’s a disc inside, but the correct disc(s).
Just take a peek at, say, the last 2 digits of the barcode and flip thru the discs verifying that those 2 digits are on each disc.

Check at check in.
Check at check out.
Check when items come in delivery.
Check when processing holds.

Even if the item came from another library and we can’t call the last patron to fix it, the problem needs to be discovered so that it doesn’t get passed on to another patron who may get blamed for it.

Even if it seems that very few mistakes are discovered, check anyway. Mistakes do happen here and in other libraries sending items here. It takes a lot of staff time to sort out missing discs or swapped discs and it takes mere seconds to verify the contents. Please, at every opportunity: check, check, check, check.

Stay Vigilant, My Friends!

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