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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Computer Use Only Cards/Laptops NOT Included

Hi there alert Circ Staff,

An interesting question has come up here at the WPL.  Suppose one of our users is here for a limited time and is only wanting a library card for computer use.  Give them a computer use only card, right?  Right.



This is because laptops are considered a "check out" on the card.  Remember, laptops are $500 items.  Even though they are not leaving the building, the library user "borrows" them. 


If the library user has picture identification and proof of address, they can use a laptop....the card needs to expire three weeks before they leave.....

This, of course, begs a new question:  Suppose someone is only using laptops and computers, can we change the expiration date to closer than three weeks before they leave?


And, I will bring this question to Department Heads.....

Questions?  Comments?  Let me know!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

library card protocol/Minuteman not accepting leases for now

Hi there everyone!
Anne, our registration checker extraordinaire, has pointed out a few "glitches" that she has noticed of late.
While she and I both understand that everyone is very busy, still.......
I am writing this to remind you about some of the protocols when registering our patrons for library cards.
  1. For first time borrowers, the limit is three items.  After that, the sky is the limit!  (Anne noticed that a first time borrower was given 29 CDs......)
  2. Once your borrower has checked out materials, change his or her status so that the user is no longer "on the fly".  (Pat O and I have noticed that this has not been happening).
  3. Remember the six month expiration date for library users who live in temporary housing.  
  4. If the expiration date is not the usual five years, please put that information on the bottom of the registration form.  
  5. Be sure that the address on the registration form matches the address that you are typing in.  Did the user give you an identification card with one address and then write in another?  This is the time to notice that and be sure that we are really getting proof of address.
  6. Bottom line?  Take a minute to double check that you are following our new library card protocol.
  7. Feel free to review the library card registration guidelines that live in the file folders at the circulation desks, the notebooks at the circulation desks, and on the wikki.
  8. And, as of now, we are not accepting leases as proof of address.

    circulation] Board decision regarding lease agreement as identification

    Cole, Leone via to alldirscirculationmlnstaff
    show details Aug 10 (2 days ago)
    Good morning,
    In response to a recent incident in which a phony lease agreement was used as identification to get a library card and subsequent theft of library materials using that card, the Board decided yesterday to ask the Standards Committee to revisit the identification requirements and to suspend the acceptance of a lease agreement as sufficient identification until the Standards Committee reports back with a recommendation.  We want to also remind everyone that sending a postcard to library card applicants is a good way of verifying address (though it does mean the person may not be able to borrow materials the same day).
    Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thank you.

    Leone E. Cole
    Library Director
    Watertown Free Public Library
    123 Main Street
    Watertown, MA  02472

Even if Barry Manilow comes to the Circulation Desk, he needs to show proof of address....well, unless he gives Pat O or I his autograph....but that is another story for another day.

Questions?  Comments?  Let me know!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I have a line at the Circulation Desk/who comes first?

Recently, we had a situation at the WPL where a patron had several items that he wanted checked in at the Circulation Desk.  There were others at the desk who had materials to be checked out. 

What does one do when faced with a situation where a patron (perhaps not a cheerful, friendly one) is wanting his or her materials checked in and there are others waiting?

Here at the WPL, the tradition has been to encourage our users to return materials to the bookdrops.  This is an efficient method that allows us to do bulk check ins from the "cart" without slowing up those waiting for in person service.

We are aware that there are some library users who have had instances of missed returns, times when the items they put in the book drop did not get checked in correctly.
So, here is the question.  Do check outs get prioritized over check ins?  Here is the answer:  We serve our users in the order that they arrive at the desk.

This is our rule of thumb. 

And there are exceptions.  Suppose there is a patron with a difficult fine situation.  He or she is explaining that they were in Wisconsin at the Annual Dairy Festival and Aunt Gladys was ill and. they were wearing the red dress with the polka dots (that would be a she)....and.....

In the meantime, three other people are lining up at your desk.

Here are some options:
  • Tell the patron with the overdues that you want to resolve her situation to everyone's satisfaction and, if she doesn't mind, you will just check out the other three patrons who are perhaps only checking out one item each.
  • Call for reinforcements....get another staff member to help.
  • Suggest to the waiting patrons that they may want to go the Rear Circ Desk or the AV desk or even the children's desk if they are simply checking out.

Keep smiling if at all possible and remember that this will all be resolved one way or another!

More thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?

Let me know!