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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Holds in III Millenium

Click on the above and log in.  You will learn so much about the way holds work in Millenium that it will knock your socks off!  Literally!

Marialice and I both loved the training with Susan Saul!

Did you know:

email holds are generated at 11PM at night?

If you place an item specific hold as a staff member on something that is in this library, nothing will happen?  The hold will just sit there?

The logic on item specific hold filling is entirely different from the logic for bib level holds?  Item specific hold logic is as follows:  Goes to the item requested for three days.  If that doesn't work, it goes alphabetically through the system starting with A.  That's right!  So Acton, Arlington, etc.

Whereas, if you place hold copy returned soonest requests, the machine says....hmmm...request is for pickup at Waltham,  Let's see if Waltham has one....and, in fact, even if someone at Stow, let's say returns a Waltham copy, that copy will go to fill the Waltham hold.  Then, it goes out to the library's branches (if the library has branches), then it goes randomly through the network to available copies.

Therefore, unless you really need that specific copy.....i.e.  there are several volumes attached to the record or several years of the Fodor's Guide and you need year 2011, etc, it is always better to use that 'hold copy returned soonest' request.

Did you know that 80% of the requests in our system are placed using the WEbOPAC from a Non MLN Pc, and with very few exceptions, these are title level requests?

Sadly, with item level holds, when we are processing the Clear Holdshelf.....even if we don't find the request, the system moves it the item might trigger a hold or go in transit, even if in reality this is not the case.  This is why bib level holds are best whenever possible!

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