Hi there!
Just to be sure we are all on the same page, I am posting the Minuteman Library Network Claims Returned Policy here. If you are alone at a circ desk, please call on a reference staff member to check the shelf for you. If that does not work, take the patron's name and number and give to me, Bela, Anne or Pat O to check later.
Just to be sure we are all on the same page, I am posting the Minuteman Library Network Claims Returned Policy here. If you are alone at a circ desk, please call on a reference staff member to check the shelf for you. If that does not work, take the patron's name and number and give to me, Bela, Anne or Pat O to check later.
Handle Claims Returned
Submitted by mln on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 12:39pm
From time to time, patrons will claim that
they have already returned items that still appear on their library
cards. The Standards Working Group concluded that a standard procedure
for all libraries in the network is necessary because of the nature of
the III requesting system. Patrons have no control over which library
sends a requested item and therefore should not be denied a possible
claims-returned option because of the random origin of the item.
Acknowledging the possibility of either staff or patron error, (at the point of check-in or at the shelves) and while aiming toward a goal of interlibrary cooperation and consistency across the network, the following are proposed procedural steps for the appropriate handling of claims-returned items.
Have each MLN library offer a claims-returned option that adheres to the following:
1. Check shelves for the item in question before doing anything else.
2a. If the item is not found, renew the item once to extend its due date, and
2b. Ask the patron to look again (at home, in the car, at school, etc.).
3. Insert a message in the patron’s record to the effect that the patron is checking for the item in question, in all caps, dated, initialed, and with the library’s 3-letter abbreviation.
4. Adhere to a maximum of up to five active claims-returns on a patron record. (Active refers to the notes in the variable fields at the bottom of a patron’s record, which are automatically removed if the item is checked in or out, not the fixed-field counter.)
5. Only an owning library can claim an item returned.
6a. If the item is ultimately not found, and the claims-returned option is applicable (meets criteria 4 & 5 above), choose the second category when claims-returning the item, i.e., “Check in item (with no fines) and change the status to Claims Returned.”
6b. At this time, remove the “patron is checking…” message from the patron’s record.
Checkin items... change status to MISSING
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'm' and checks the item record back into the library system. If there are outstanding holds on the item, Millennium Circulation prompts you to cancel these holds.
Checkin items... change status to CLAIMS RTRND
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'z' and checks the item record back into the library system. If there is an outstanding fine or bill for the checkout, Millennium Circulation waives the charge. Charges associated with previous transactions are not automatically waived.
Leave items checked out... change status to CLAIMS RTRND
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'z' and leaves the item record checked out to the patron. The system will continue to send overdue notices, generate a bill, etc.
Additionally, for each of the above three options, Millennium Circulation:
“Remove Claims Returned notes for checked-in items.”
Acknowledging the possibility of either staff or patron error, (at the point of check-in or at the shelves) and while aiming toward a goal of interlibrary cooperation and consistency across the network, the following are proposed procedural steps for the appropriate handling of claims-returned items.
Have each MLN library offer a claims-returned option that adheres to the following:
1. Check shelves for the item in question before doing anything else.
2a. If the item is not found, renew the item once to extend its due date, and
2b. Ask the patron to look again (at home, in the car, at school, etc.).
3. Insert a message in the patron’s record to the effect that the patron is checking for the item in question, in all caps, dated, initialed, and with the library’s 3-letter abbreviation.
4. Adhere to a maximum of up to five active claims-returns on a patron record. (Active refers to the notes in the variable fields at the bottom of a patron’s record, which are automatically removed if the item is checked in or out, not the fixed-field counter.)
5. Only an owning library can claim an item returned.
6a. If the item is ultimately not found, and the claims-returned option is applicable (meets criteria 4 & 5 above), choose the second category when claims-returning the item, i.e., “Check in item (with no fines) and change the status to Claims Returned.”
6b. At this time, remove the “patron is checking…” message from the patron’s record.
Checkin items... change status to MISSING
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'm' and checks the item record back into the library system. If there are outstanding holds on the item, Millennium Circulation prompts you to cancel these holds.
Checkin items... change status to CLAIMS RTRND
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'z' and checks the item record back into the library system. If there is an outstanding fine or bill for the checkout, Millennium Circulation waives the charge. Charges associated with previous transactions are not automatically waived.
Leave items checked out... change status to CLAIMS RTRND
Millennium Circulation changes the item's STATUS to 'z' and leaves the item record checked out to the patron. The system will continue to send overdue notices, generate a bill, etc.
Additionally, for each of the above three options, Millennium Circulation:
- adds claims returned notes to both the item and patron records:
- NOTE Tue Jun 01 1999: Claimed returned on Tue Jun 01 1999 by .p1063529 (from item record)
- NOTE Tue Jun 01 1999: Claimed returned .i1047539 on Tue Jun 01 1999 (from patron record)
- increments the CL RTRND fixed-length field in the patron record
- adds the item record to the On Search file; for information on how to view the On Search file; see the discussion of the Check MISSING items function in the INNOPAC Manual. (MLN Central Site handles this and generates a Claims Returned List for each library twice a year.
“Remove Claims Returned notes for checked-in items.”