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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

laptop mending slips---fill out completely

fill out everything.  Email Todd, CC Deb and Laura.  Include your initials and the date!

this is vague...I can't tell if Todd got the message            

Please, when reporting a laptop problem: 

  1. Fill out the entire slip.
  2. Mark the laptop Mending
  3. Include a description of the problem
  4. Email Todd and cc Laura and Deb
  5. Include your initials and the date
If Todd doesn't know about the problem, he can't fix it.
If the slip is not filled out properly, I have no way of knowing if he knows about this problem.  I can't tell who dealt with the problem, so if Todd has a question, he won't know who to ask.

Laptops are very high demand items.  Having them out of commission means that they are taking up space and not being used.  We have a computer class coming up and we want them to be in good working order.

Questions?  Comments?  Let me know!

French library books, improved labels still on back cover

new improved label is on the back cover
I want to remind every one that we are putting the labels with barcodes on the back cover of the French Library Books.   Marcia has helped us to create a much improved label.  It is smaller than the original and very attractive. 

Front cover has no label

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

power and laptops

One more word about laptops.  Several times we have heard a patron tell us that the laptop has no power.
Be sure that the library user is plugging the laptop in.  Many times that is the problem.  Batteries run low when laptops are unplugged!

Laptops---Be Sure They are Turned Off!

With newer laptops, open and be sure they are turned off

Remember the original group of laptops?  You can tell that they are on. You can see the power light even when they are closed.

The newer group, kind of like the one above, does not have a light showing on the outside.  It is important to open them up and be sure they are turned off.  Otherwise, batteries die.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

And, as always, thank you!